Sunday, July 17, 2011

Flannel -- A Tradition That Never Goes Out of Style

by: ARA

(ARA) - Gadgets are good, books can be beautiful, sweaters can be sensible, and sexy lingerie -- well it’s seductive to say the least. But what would the majority of women (and their daughters) like wrapped up under the Christmas tree? You guessed it -- it’s a fabulous flannel nightgown to replace the thread-bare, worn (and well-loved) one they’re probably wearing Christmas morning.

And because flannel is long-wearing, it's actually become a once-a-year gift giving tradition.

Have a Christmas Party-a planning guide

by: M Johnsona
This is a favorite time of the year for many people. Why not
take one night in December and set up a nice holiday
party. Plan a small get together with family and friends.

It is a great excuse to get together. Plan it early in
December so it doesn't conflict with all the Christmas Day
events. Before you get too deep in the planning see how many
people will be able to come. Then base your plan off that

Holiday Entertaining Made Easy

by: ARA
(ARA) – Every year around this time, the number-one complaint people make is that there isn’t enough time to get everything done. You have to put up the lights, decorate your tree, shop for gifts, and send out cards. As if those tasks weren’t stressful enough, a lot of people also decide to add holiday entertaining to the list.

There’s no getting around the fact that putting on a holiday party is going to be a lot of work; but if you plan ahead, you’ll find it makes all the difference. Whatever you do, keep it simple. That goes for everything from decorations to the menu.

Tipping For The Holidays: Who To Gift And How Much?

by: Daniel Karpelman
The holidays are the time of year to share your love and appreciation to the most important people in your life. For many, that includes those people who provide support and services throughout the year. From your favorite babysitter, housekeeper or the hair stylist who always gets your cut just the way you like it, a tip - enclosed in an envelope with a handwritten note - is sure to be appreciated.